
someone cracked

we've been joking about it for years: how easily the a-school could burst into flames with all the flammable materials (glue, stain, spray adhesive, rubber cement, etc) and the paper products and wood cluttering the place. how someone so frustrated during charrette could easily torch something just to get out of a deadline. well, folks, i read online that a few days ago there was a fire in the a-school. it's nothing major. someone forgot to put their cigarette out completely before throwing it on the mulch. smart. none of the buildings were damaged. classes were disrupted for approximately two hours. the red fire trucks are gone. back to work.

when i was in school, we never had a fire but we did have a bomb threat or two, power outtages and server breakdowns. server breakdowns are the funniest because they were during charrette when everyone needed the computers, and resulted in impromptu partying complete with booze. it was technology's way of telling to take a break.