
image overload: midreview, black friday shopping + dinner

me and my super tall parner

sleep-deprived xuan and her ever cheerful studio partner ru

ru and nate (the american jerry...this would actually make more sense if i had a picture of jerry, the taiwanese nate)

dong woo and ru

hsin-kuang and dong woo (studio's newest dad)

ru (ever the fob) and keun yong

waaaait...people are still coming!

not bad for not having slept for two days (give or take). what can i say 2gax'ers photograph really well.

the "beer for bras" installation

jeff! and loke concentrating on either the wine or presenting his project to the jury

one of the many message glasses at the annual sci-arc thanksgiving lunch

we tried soooo hard to stay awake, but sleep is just too good.

all that hard work paid off

black friday shopping with ru

food: always good. ALWAYS.

living life like normal los angelenos...shopping!

welcome to koreatown - friday after thanksgiving dinner with fellow sciarcians




and ben decided it was the right time to call everyone in the restaurant for a toast. this resulted in us being told by the hostess to keep it down.

keun yong and ben


and we laugh...i don't remember exactly why.

rabbit ears?

2gax + shohei love

ben getting ready for karaoke

xuan, xuan!

who is singing now?

shohei may have had too much to drink. he went past the red asian glow. he turned purple.
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