
First Official Blog

Alright...so this is blogging. i'm new to this so forgive me if this sucks. Yeah i know i've put up something resembling a message last december. that was five months ago...gee how time flies. let see in the past five months i've finished another gruelling-kill-me-now-my-critic-hates-me semester, made my secret valentine go treasure hunting, applied for four odd jobs and internships, gained 100+ volunteer hours, made several new friends (thanks to OYFA, thefacebook, and friendster), watched the Academical Village People in concert, entered a phone-in radio contest six times and lost six times, won movie passes to see Stateside, gave away two movie passes, went to NYC, went to a bar with our critic, and logged-in countless hours of emailing and doing crazy stuff. well maybe not exactly "crazy" but it's close.

i'm listening to Death Cab for Cutie...yup that's the band name. they're good. i like their sound. don't know how to describe it...i'm going to have to generalize: they're indie rock. since i don't know much about them i'm to quote rolling stone. here's what it has to say about their fourth album...(again i've discovered them too late...they're already into their fourth album.)
"Death Cab for Cutie's fourth album, presents a polished version of the heartstring-tugging formula that has earned the Washington state quartet its cultish following: melodic, melancholy songs about feeling both smart and confused, hopelessly romantic but wary of love. The eleven indie lullabies here -- ostensibly about a long-distance relationship -- are both tuneful and rough-edged, with singer Benjamin Gibbard's plaintive boy-next-door voice wafting delicately over crunchy guitars, piano and random percussion."

Nice huh?! Rolling Stone hit the mark. They actually sound like that. I like listening to new stuff...especially to bands/artists i've never heard on the radio or anywhere else. I learned about Death Cab for Cutie from one of my friends. She and I have the same taste in music...well, we'll both listen to anything. I'm also sampling the sounds of All-Time Quarterback, The Long Winters, Sun Valley, Little Champions, and -here's another quirky band name- Kind of Like Spitting. Indie rockers galore!

Alright...I suppose I'll end with that.