

In a few days it will be November. Do you know what that means? Course advising and sign-up is just around the corner. Hmm...didn't I JUST start the semester? Short answer: NO. It's been almost two months since the beginning of the semester. However, it really does not feel like I've been through 8 weeks of school. Have only pulled two almost-all-nighter so far. Not bad. I pat myself on the back.

You know what this means? Only 1.5 semesters to go before I graduate. This is a very scary thought. I haven't updated my resume since the summer. I do have a part-time job but it has nothing to do with architecture. I haven't consulted our career advisor in the A-school. I bet she'll be really helpful and nice, but I'm a such a dumbass and have not made an appointment with her. It's not required for us, but I just want to know what my options are. I haven't even studied nor looked at anything about GRE's. I'm not planning on going to grad school right away but GRE scores are valid for a couple or so years. If I take that now, I don't have to worry about that requirement when I apply to grad school two or three years down the road. It's also easier to take that now when all the important stuff is still fresh in mind. Well, except for the Math part. Haven't done that in forever. I can still do basic math up to basic calculus...I think. Oh we'll see. They should just ask architects to diagram the structural elements and the circulation in a building. Give me a pen and paper and I will sketch for you a perspective of your house. I will precisely draw this chair I'm sitting on for you. Please...just don't let me do word analogies.

Why am I freaking out instead of sleeping? Goodness...I certainly have my priorities mixed up. G'night!


Teaching 101: Lessons from Your Students

I have just finished reading five out of eight midterm exams, and I have to say I am blown away. They must have been the most interesting papers I have read in a long time. Every student (so far...my partner has the other half's papers) was given a week to think about the midterm questions. They have to come up with a Spatial Tale of Origin. The end result? Several wonderful and different takes on a very open-ended assignment. I am still in awe and my own words cannot possibly grasp how impressive these are. I think it is more appropriate that I let these papers speak for themselves.

The Earth is the precedent and the product, the before and after.
The Surveyor creates the plans but he does not make it. The building can not be seen but is known.
Architecture is a lesson of life.
The materials, rowers and boat, posts and lintels, are assembled to create the ideal unit, optically refined, harmonious, and precise to the smallest detail: the Parthenon of team sports is complete.
The sandbox is the construction site of the child’s imagination.

More from my students:
I search for architecture that addresses the individual's search for the divine in the everyday...as bending the mind towards the eternal by their ancient agelessness.

I am not ready to make any strong identifications because I am still an explorer, a lost lunatic, a nomadic bearer of experience and recollections, an aspiring surveyor. But I am none of those things. They are only aspects of me.

As a photographer, [I understand] that space and structure function as a whole in architecture.


Pre-fall Break Nap Time

I'm currently looking out of my window and guess what I'm seeing? Bumper to bumper traffic (on both sides of the street), and it doesn't seem it's going to go away in the next few minutes. Also there's a guy right outside my window who has probably said the F-word 500X in the last five minutes. I don't know what his problem is. He's most likely to be drunk, or pissed that someone who's drunk trashed his car. I don't really know; it's awfully dark outside. I do know the reason for the traffic: the football game just ended. Go 'Hoos! We won against Clemson. How great is that?! 5-0 this season. Wahoo-wa!

This week has been a really busy one. I have two projects due, had an architecture review, an in-class exercise, ie. practical quiz, and grading papers. I fell asleep in every single one of my lectures this week. Except for that one lecture about photovoltaics, I was up for that 'cause i'm such a solar-energy dork! I'm setting such a bad example for my discussion kids, who I'm hoping don't see me doze off. I had to be woken up by Duey during my CAAD lecture which was at 4PM. You'd think I'd be wide awake by that time. Sad but true and quite funny. Coffee did not help, even after I loaded it with sugar. Thank goodness for fall break, otherwise known as "reading holiday" (which is definitely an oxymoron).

Currently listening to:
The Postal Service's "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" from Give Up. Another great band. Definitely worth the $10.