
checking out the river

crazy college students!Posted by Hello

Everyone wanted to see the river so after BANG! we headed for the Lawn. "So what is the river? There can't possibly be a river in the middle of Mr. Jefferson's Academical Village, right?" you ask. well, kid, the river is an illusion. if you lie down on the top of the Rotunda steps and look at the length of the Lawn upside down, as demonstrated by the insane fourth years on the picture above, you will perceive the clear night sky as a river. it is totally awesome.

After that we decided to hang out for a while and by doing that we've discouraged at least three groups of eager college students from fulfilling one of UVa's longest standing traditions: Streaking the Lawn. Probably because there were twelve of us just sitting by the steps, ie. the starting point of the streaking route. But i really think it was because we were yelling, "DO IT!!! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!" and "We're not going to look!" We tried to hide but they didn't return. oh well, i guess we weren't meant to see "some" that night.


Chem crew and me (natalie, kahn and mike not in picture)Posted by Hello

One of the best nights in college: monday night bar hopping! ok, ok...so we only went to one bar but considering it was a monday, i'll let that technicality slide. (btw, i didn't drink. i was driving.) BANG! is this cozy martini bar which used to be a house. We were at the backyard: drinking what seems to be the most amazing mojito in town, laughing, talking about random stuff (school not allowed), and enjoying the fact that we're all done with work.


we heart greg

we were the last ones out of first wok during greg's visual raping...ie. his surprise fake birthday party.Posted by Hello

getting ready Posted by Hello

mmm...vermonster soup

sipping ice cream goo in order to really finish the vermonster. go team vermonster! Posted by Hello

game over

charrette is over. gordonsville presentation done. last final taken. other than the studio exhibition on tuesday, graduation is the only thing left. i can't help being nostalgic as i cleaned out my flatfile and looked at 3 years worth of studio work. blood, sweat, tears all poured into those drawings and models. running on nothing but adrenaline and caffeine for over 30 hours... missing university events and hanging out with my roommates to photoshop that section and to finish that computer model...babysitting a PC so no one logs you off. (this is why you learn to use a mac.)... feeling like going "office space" on the plotter when it starts printing your stuff on roll paper when you specifically told it to use cut sheet -- twice... remembering the servers crashing and everyone getting a beer... trying really hard not to cut yourself with an x-acto knife... thinking what ingredient in "blacken-it" makes it poisonous and why "patina-it" is not... counting how many brain cells have been burned after inhaling wood stain, zap-a-gap, and the notoriously foul yet much needed zip kicker... having your headphones/earbuds permanently stuck to your ears, and being temporarily deaf afterwards... the 3rd year love train!... burning yourself with your torch while soldering brass... reading angry and/or funny "where the f*** are my stuff? i want them back" emails... getting yelled at by grad students for being too loud... (naked) dance party with crazy turkish music... jason-tecture... form-z crashing -- all the freakin' time... critics bringing you food and coffee up in studio because they know you need it... A-SCHOOL LIFE --- do it!