
game over

charrette is over. gordonsville presentation done. last final taken. other than the studio exhibition on tuesday, graduation is the only thing left. i can't help being nostalgic as i cleaned out my flatfile and looked at 3 years worth of studio work. blood, sweat, tears all poured into those drawings and models. running on nothing but adrenaline and caffeine for over 30 hours... missing university events and hanging out with my roommates to photoshop that section and to finish that computer model...babysitting a PC so no one logs you off. (this is why you learn to use a mac.)... feeling like going "office space" on the plotter when it starts printing your stuff on roll paper when you specifically told it to use cut sheet -- twice... remembering the servers crashing and everyone getting a beer... trying really hard not to cut yourself with an x-acto knife... thinking what ingredient in "blacken-it" makes it poisonous and why "patina-it" is not... counting how many brain cells have been burned after inhaling wood stain, zap-a-gap, and the notoriously foul yet much needed zip kicker... having your headphones/earbuds permanently stuck to your ears, and being temporarily deaf afterwards... the 3rd year love train!... burning yourself with your torch while soldering brass... reading angry and/or funny "where the f*** are my stuff? i want them back" emails... getting yelled at by grad students for being too loud... (naked) dance party with crazy turkish music... jason-tecture... form-z crashing -- all the freakin' time... critics bringing you food and coffee up in studio because they know you need it... A-SCHOOL LIFE --- do it!