
whatever...major...loser...what's the point Posted by Picasa



i am really not good with dealing with people who cry. today a co-worker, actually one i hang out with, wasn't feeling well and started crying near the stairs. i think she has a really high fever and apparently was a little delirious. several people went to ask her if she was ok but i just sat in front of my computer. before you get all, "you're so insensitive. you don't care..blahblahblah!" I just want you to know that the reason why i didn't go to help her was that i didn't know how. i never know how to react if someone's already crying. i usually panic or freeze and make matters worse. i thought about helping her but by that time the debate in my head was over, three other co-workers have attended to her. if it was any other co-worker, i think i wouldn't feel so guilty but she has been nice to me and i feel like i should have done something. anything. i hate feeling helpless and guilty at the same time.



so today i saw a tree turn into woodchips. and it only took those guys 15 minutes to do it. they started hacking the tree with their chainsaws after my second bite of sandwich. by the time i finished eating, they were feeding the last piece of wood into the huge ass chipper. think about the time it took that tree (about 2o-25 feet high) to grow. yeah, i know....whoa! i don't call myself an environmentalist but i do think that forests and wildlife should be protected and that natural resources should be conserved. i don't go to capitol hill to protest nor write to my representative about this issue. i'm very passive although i don't think that makes me a bad person. i try to "save" the environment in my own way in my own time. little things: recycling once in a while, turn off lights when not in use, turn off faucet while brushing teeth, roll windows down when driving.

by the way, i was observing people's reaction to this. it's like rubber-necking during a car accident. everyone's looking, maybe shaking their heads, but no one's stopping....just slowing down. then it passes and it's back to normal life speed.