
the handwritten

in the course of the year, i only get one or two handwritten letters or postcards. it's depressing when the only mail you get is junk, the penny saver, catalogs (some you didn't even sign up for or some with your name misspelled horribly), and - the most dreaded of all - bills. i LOVE getting postcards and birthday cards from friends. i like to stock up on nice note cards just in case i need to write a personalized thank you or greeting.

i know there's email, facebook and all those other avenues to keep in touch (constantly and instantaneously) with friends and family, but there's just something poignant about getting something someone wrote and feeling it in the palm of your hands. you know that person took the time to do it. letter writing is becoming a lost art form.

i've saved all the letters and cards i've gotten over the years. like i said, lately i haven't been getting a lot. but i am also guilty of not sending them as much as i used to. so i'm going to resolve to at least give one to one person a month. i may not be the best linguist or wordsmith, but i can string a few good sentences along that's probably better than, "hey, wassup? how's it going?"