
open letter to groupon

dear Groupon,
i am not a seahorse, nor is my dad.

much love,

robotica: the invasion

the independent nation of robotica has decided to invade the local elementary school by way of the library, an important stronghold to capture. why? that, my friends, is classified. they sent twelve of their best men. ten were deployed at the children's section. one in the stacks. and one, well, we call him "the eye in the sky" or just "the eye."

this directive was brought to you by the Art House Co-op


tales from the chat archive: traffic court fashion

11:31 PM well-dressed man: yes i dressed nice
11:33 PM me: but you still paid money
 well-dressed man: its not a whore house
  its a court house
  an old white man is not going to let me go because i looked good, lol
  i could go in a thong and he would probably make me pay more 
11:39 PM me: oooooor...it would look like you have tons of money and could afford the higher fine
 well-dressed man: actually it was funny....
  he asked the first five people in front of me if they had a job
  and he didn't ask me
11:40 PM i wore dress pants and dress shoes, which i never wear 
11:47 PM me: he was probably surprised YOU went to court instead of your lawyer
11:51 PM well-dressed man: no, my face looked like i just wanted to pay and get on with my life. i think i got a cold from being around real people. 
lessons learned:
1. court house not a whore house.
2. justice is blind...and that's a good thing.
3. people assume that the well-dressed are employed.
4. the common cold is airborne.


when i see this, i think...round 2

of course i was reading about the Queen of England's diamond jubilee celebration lunch, and learned that there is a real Queen of Jordan and her name is Rania. and she is GORGEOUS! not to mention that she is a true believer that education = opportunity.

but during my more ignorant days, the only Queen of Jordan i know is Tracy Jordan's wife Angie. who can forget that voluptuous confident woman? she has a (fake) reality tv show. and D'fwan! come on! you know you'd watch it.