
tales from the chat archive: traffic court fashion

11:31 PM well-dressed man: yes i dressed nice
11:33 PM me: but you still paid money
 well-dressed man: its not a whore house
  its a court house
  an old white man is not going to let me go because i looked good, lol
  i could go in a thong and he would probably make me pay more 
11:39 PM me: oooooor...it would look like you have tons of money and could afford the higher fine
 well-dressed man: actually it was funny....
  he asked the first five people in front of me if they had a job
  and he didn't ask me
11:40 PM i wore dress pants and dress shoes, which i never wear 
11:47 PM me: he was probably surprised YOU went to court instead of your lawyer
11:51 PM well-dressed man: no, my face looked like i just wanted to pay and get on with my life. i think i got a cold from being around real people. 
lessons learned:
1. court house not a whore house.
2. justice is blind...and that's a good thing.
3. people assume that the well-dressed are employed.
4. the common cold is airborne.