
The day the music died

...and was resurrected.

So what was the reason behind my boycotting of jason mraz, maroon5, the postal service, franz ferdinand, death cab for cutie, the shins, tahiti 80, and both the oc and garden state soundtracks? LENT. yes, i gave up listening to these awesome artists/albums for 40 days. i even refused to log on to my launchcast radio station because every two songs played is from one of these people. i had to listen to "big hits of the '80s", which isn't that bad. it was either that or no music at all. i would much rather listen to "the promise" by when in rome than eavesdrop on other people's conversations. btw, bus chatter is either too rushed or stupid or both. i have never heard anyone say anything thought-provoking in a bus. (feel free to disagree with me on that one.) well, i did have some of my other cd's to listen to but you know that feeling that if there is something particular you wanted to listen to, everything else pretty much sucked. and since i'm a sucker for punishment, i also bought the franz ferdinand cd three weeks before i can actually listen to it. it nearly killed me.

so when easter sunday came and i got all my music back, i stayed up later just to listen to my "new" cd and a few postal service songs. if i could listen to all my cd's at one time i will definitely do it. although i'm pretty sure that wouldn't sound as good but -you know what- i've been deprived. i'd listen to jason ferdinand's maroon death cab for the postal service if i wanted.