
in the mix

i have been meaning post a blog (many, in fact) during the past few months but have been too busy or too lazy (mostly the latter) to put my thoughts into actual words. major events happened that i haven't even written about: graduation and getting a job, to name a couple. once in a while i feel the need to write about them because if i don't do that, i'd forget what it was like. this could be just some insane paranoia (wait...was that redundant?) that i have. i mean people don't really forget that feeling when they call you on stage to get your diploma or when you get that job offer... do they? anyone willing to take a poll? anyone?

so to take care of that i've decided to share my thoughts on ... get ready for a barrage of information.
  1. the first job: never really expected anything since i've not worked in an architectural firm. eventhough our projects aren't that exciting, i am learning A LOT. and that is the best thing you can get from any job. if you're not learning then it's time for you to move on and challenge yourself. also i like working there. everyone is really nice to each other and there are dogs in the office. they're extremely patient with me and i am extremely glad that they are. yes, one of the dogs ate my crackers but you can't hate them for that.
  2. getting a hobby: i never had a real hobby before. i don't think you can call "tv watching" or "occasional reading" a hobby. but i never realized that because i didn't have the time to take up one. i'm always pre-occupied with schoolwork. and all the other stuff i did was related to school. now that i'm working and homework is a thing of the past (at least for now), i have found myself with nothing to do on the weekends. but i get this nagging feeling that i should be doing something. not that i enjoy my free time and my bumming around time, but i guess my mind has grown accustomed to the constant exposure to work after 16 years of school and extra-curricular activities.
  3. not going back to school: well...at least not for another two years. i miss school. when school started, i felt like something was wrong when i didn't pack up my stuff and drove down to charlottesville. the upside to that: i get to go to family gatherings i've missed because i'm two hours away.
  4. all my friends are gone: several of my friends have left the state for california, nyc, boston, maryland, the carribean. i still have friends here in the d.c. area but they're not two minutes away. it's odd that i don't see or talk to these people everyday anymore. our communication is down to occasional IMs, voice mails, 10-minute phone calls, email and facebook messages. i don't have anyone to go on a cake or sushi run at 1am in the morning. no more impromptu get togethers at ihop or maarten's. i miss them.
  5. goals: i have to do two things before the year ends: take the GREs and enter an architecture competition. so far i'm 25% done on both. (what that means i don't exactly know.)
  6. golf: i played golf during our firm's annual golf tourney. i'm inconsistent. i can hit a ball really well at one time and send it to straight into the water the next. i'm consistently bad at putting. (mini-golf is different...my putt-putt skills are a different story all together.) our team won the tourney and i won two redskins/eagles tickets and two t-shirts during the raffle. like humphrey from work said, "in golf, being lucky is better than being good." even with that, i don't think i'd take up golf. (i did realize that i have the potential do well in sports that require one to hit a ball with an object: tennis, ping-pong, golf, badminton, softball. i just need to play them more often.)
  7. tv: now addicted to two more shows. how will i ever keep track of the dozen or so tv shows i watch in week? the answer: vcr and lots of blank tape.
overwhelmed yet? stay tuned for more...right now i need to go to sleep for i have to work in the morrow.