
the intern cometh

we got an intern a little over a month ago. let me tell you: it is one of the best things that happened at work. i - the least experienced worker in my firm - got to tell someone else what to do. the people who first decided to hire an intern were brilliant! it gives even the lowest ranked, entry-level worker a chance to be a boss even if it's a few days or a couple of hours. i've actually only given her work when she asked for it and when i have something else to do that is very low on my priority list. this means i've only "used" her twice: once to trim drawings to the correct size and once to send out drawings to vendors. they're tedious to do but someone has to do them. and that someone used to be me. but until the end of the summer, i don't have to deal with it because i can pass the buck to someone else. sweet.