
a look back

I think I finished writing this when I was a third year in college. Maaan, those were the days. 2006 comments are written in bold.

101 Things That Make Life Fun
(in no particular order)

1. hot chocolate on a really cold day
2. falling snow
3. breaks in between classes - yeah...there are no long enough breaks in between work
4. talking to friends until the wee hours of the morning
5. finding a really good sale at Banana Republic
6. having no classes on Fridays
7. the fresh smell of clothes right off the dryer
8. multiple channels of HBO - we don't get hbo anymore! booooo! thank goodness for tv dvds. i still get to watch entourage.
9. getting real phone calls
10. The O.C. (Benjamin McKenzie is from UVA! yay!...but ultimately...it's all about Seth Cohen)
11. Kodak commercials - My favorite commercials now are the MasterCard ones.
12. Jason Mraz - he's still good...but i haven't been listening to him as much
13. Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream
14. the feeling you get after the last final exam
15. FRIENDS (the TV show) - there are so many more great sitcoms now that FRIENDS has been cancelled. I think these are actually better (all the hardcore friends fans are going to hate me): ENTOURAGE, THE OFFICE, FAMILY GUY (my top three sitcoms that aren't cancelled)
16. Tobey Maguire as Spiderman
17. your real friends
18. home cooking
19. Sunday Brunch - oh the dining hall!
20. Sundae Bar on Sundays - O-hill does have its great moments
21. Starbuck's Brownie Frappuccino
22. Christmas Eve...
23. Christmas Day
24. Big-screen TV
25. sharing an umbrella with someone
26. Ocean's Eleven (the 2001 version)
27. screaming your head off while watching a game
28. not having to stand in line to get food
29. cooking your own meal
30. Travis (the band) - haven't listened to travis in forever..i probably need to listen to my old cd's again
31. watching a live concert
32. visiting new places
33. the toy train that dispenses hotdogs - thanks to the guy who put up the condimentalism exhibit
34. Tim Hawkinson art exhibit
35. sleeping in on Saturday mornings
36. a fast internet connection
37. getting letters
38. The Rotunda Cam
39. Fall Break
40. Spring Break
41. Winter Break
42. Summer!
43. taping your favorite show so you can watch it over and over
44. QuizYourFriends.com
45. a professor who says "fuggly"
46. John Mayer
47. that show Trading Spaces - I don't watch this show anymore...they emphasize the drama than the design now..tsktsk
48. 80's sitcom Family Ties with Michael J. Fox as Alex P. Keaton
50. calling someone famous
51. your handy camera...for those picture perfect moments or the not-so-perfect times
52. magic 8 ball
53. A desk at studio...hey, i get a lot - i mean a lot!- of work done there
54. my power drill...vrrrm...vrrrm (i love tools now) - i think someone took it...cry!
55. Lambeth...it's so close to the A-school - but our apartment in JPA totally kicks ass!
56. Zoolander...F-U-N-N-Y movie!!! see the website
57. Saturday Night Live
58. Not having to spend all day and all night at studio
59. When charrette is over
60. Chivalry is NOT dead....thank goodness.
61. Quote wall
62. People on your TOP 5
63. Norah Jones
64. My Christmas Survey
65. Guys who open doors for you
66. Pictures
67. IM
68. Getting gifts
69. Volunteering...seriously, it makes you feel good inside
70. Sunsets
71. BILB party! double yay with caramel popcorn!
72. mmmm...chocolate cake
73. my bernz-o-matic soldering torch
74. OYFA
75. NU107's live internet feed - now more obsessed with WNRN (c-ville's awesome college/indie station!) and virgin radio uk live feeds
76. Seth Cohen (Adam Brody in real life) of The O.C.
77. crazy random sounds
78. Syndicated versions of your favorite TV shows
79. Jack and Karen from Will & Grace
80. Free cone day at Ben and Jerry's
81. learning something new
82. turning 21
83. driving around
84. people who say funny random stuff - check out overheard in new york
85. Lord of the Rings...it kicks ass
86. The Matrix: it's just plain cool...accept it. the first one...the last two didn't live up to the hype...i don't think
87. having your own room
88. critics that care
89. doing nothing on a rainy day
90. birthdays (doesn't matter whose) - because there's always cake!
91. Monopoly...the board game
92. singing along the car radio
93. the ancient Greeks...have you read about them lately?
94. rubber ducky
95. tiny alcohol bottles, mini muffins, single-serving condiments, sample-sized soap, shampoo...small objects
96. rain drops tapping your window
97. feeling really smart when you get to answer Jeopardy questions
98. sunglasses: "'cause the sun never sets in the land of cool"
99. keeping in touch with people you know...i'm trying hard to do this
100. the beach
101. ....and lastly...whatever it is that floats your boat!