
busy bee

i have not seen the last five or so episodes of prison break. i am seriously having a wentworth miller craving. darn. why am i not watching tv? (((shocking!))) me the tv addict. me who desperately needs tivo so i could stop prioritizing what i need to watch and tape. GRAD SCHOOL APPS...that's why! the checklist seems to be getting longer and longer everytime i finish something.
GRE's: check. thank goodness!
visit a school: check.
write personal statement: check.
send recommendation forms to former professors: check.
finish all application forms: half check.
pay application fees: half check (btw: i am so poor right now).
finish several versions of portfolio: quarter check.
optional (ie. will not hurt if you do it, so why didn't you do it?) essays: uuuuh.
fill-out supplemental forms: no check.
contact alumni/current students at each school for info: no check.
pay more fees: nooooo!
ask for official transcripts: no check.
pay transcript fees: grrrr!
run marathon: i had my friend do that for me. (she did think about me at the 17th mile as i requested so it was sort of like i was there....NOT. but that was a nice thought.)
go crazy: check. check. checkcheckcheck.

even though i'm complaining about shelling out all this money, i did something pretty awesome today. i paid off my unsubsidized loan! the subsidized part still needs to be paid off, but i least i paid off a relatively huge chunk of my undergrad loan. i'm not drowning as much in debt. and that should look pretty good on my credit report. better interest rates here i come! sweet!

the co-workers i hang out with are great! most of them - meaning everyone except for one - are older than me, but it's all cool. we all think at the same age level: 12. hahaha! we do use big words like "tryst" and "divulge," but most conversations are laden with sexual innuendo and sarcasm. and since i'm the queen of sarcasm, i get my fair share of wins in our battle of wits (maybe it's more "nitwits"). i sometimes lose in one-upmanship. but it's ok...i get them with my corny puns and randomness. we're starting up a quote sheet on "stupid things said during the lunch hour." i hoping to not be quoted as often...but unfortunately, that might not be the case.