
vacation days, weekdays + sick days

this post outline was written in 10 february 2007. almost a full month after i got back from the Philippines. i was going to edit and publish the more comprehensible blog but this seems like a good opportunity to share with you guys how my mind works. this outline makes so much sense in my head. enjoy.

christmas and new year in manila
family reunion
friends - drunk, sober and everything in between

plane ride to and from the philippines - annoying people, pet peeves and bad food
back to work after the holidays - new year, new haircut

not speaking to person in office anymore

new people in office - t2 and s
people leaving the office - p and a
applications finally done and now the waiting game is being played

3 three museums in one day adventure

still need to learn how to ice skate
learn how hockey works - terminology mostly
go see a real play

rant about valentine's...re-post old blog? or maybe comment on old blog

shraddha's in india..noooo!

brand spanking new computer...yay!