
and we don't do work

guess who worked day after thanksgiving when most of america is busy elbowing each other at the shopping malls? I DID! that's dedication, my friend. only half the people in my office were there. and since i work for a 30-person firm, it was nice. none of the principals were there - except for one but he was only there for a couple of hour. surprisingly, the day went by really fast.

i know i should be working on personal statements and essays and filling out forms for my grad school apps, but i think i need a break. well....it is after all a holiday weekend. and since i went to work today i think i deserve to take it slow. i do have a three more weeks before my first deadline and i already took care of the recommendations and GRE's. my portfolio's about 15% done. i just need to finish the one project i'm redesigning so i can include it. i don't know how much help it'll be, but it will at least show that i took the initiative to do some "independent study." yeaaaaah...in short, i am procrastinating. again.

like i said, yesterday was thanksgiving. lots of food and plenty of love. since i like being at the kids' table, my brother and i volunteered to make the kids' menu: chicken lollipops and mac+cheese! oh yeah..that's right. laugh all you want. my chicken was a hit. everyone in every age group loved it. take that, kare-kare!

the night before that, i went to happy hour with two of my co-workers. two of us are lightweights and one is a heavy drinker, so it evens out. the conversation was heated at times and i was cut-off after half a pint. (in my defense, i think i actually drank more than half, and i still believe that the bar stools were wobbly to begin with.) i managed to get to the supermarket and home without problems so it's all cool.

last friday, i went to tower records for their store closing sale. yes, it is true. tower records is going under and is closing. i guess music downloading (both legal and not) is really affecting cd sales. sad...especially since i love buying cd's. if you download, you don't get the cd art laid out as originally intended. i hear if you download the whole cd you get an image file of the cd art. that's sooo lame compared to the actual artwork. so i went in there and bought 4 cd's: guster's newest cd (soooo good...it's on loop in my car stereo), futureheads, belle and sebastian, and athlete's vehicles and animals. i have a long list of cd's i want to buy (the decemberists, keane's new one, etc) but i'm going to hold off until i get all the christmas presents i need to buy.

so there you go...five paragraphs later...and i still don't feel like dealing with my applications. and so tv it is. haha!