
two days in SoCal (n pictures)

walt disney concert hall: i couldn't get far enough from the building to get a full picture, so i took pictures of the awesome details instead seeing as i'm the architecture dork.

every picture looks different

how sexy are these stairs?

the modern day serpentine wall?

metal cladding meets light

the man-made

nature intervening

concert hall garden

central courtyard at the getty center

fountain! water!

i just have to take a picture of the entrance structure

no words

notice the trees on the right: now you see several...

...now you see one

view from the getty center to the pacific ocean

intestine-like music machine by tim hawkinson suspended within the entry space. (haha - get it? intestine/stomach = organ = instrument) can you believe this sculpture actually played "music" for five minutes at the top of every hour?

the machine that made the five-minute audio mash-up possible

the only architectural elements in the getty center with color. they do match the lavender-colored plants on the mountains on the opposite side.

santa monica beach from the pier. gorgeous!

can you smell that awesome salt air?

homage to the mighty Pacific
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