

as i'm researching erasure strategies for my thesis, i came across jasper john's white flag, robert rauchenberg's erased de kooning, and sol lewitt's incomplete open cubes and his 35 sentences on conceptual art. i haven't read through all 35 yet, but number 9 is really thought-provoking.
The concept and idea are different. The former implies a general direction while the latter is the component. Ideas implement the concept.
i always interchange the two words because i've never thought of them as two different things. it seems from what sol lewitt has said ideas come after the concept. the concept is more general, but not vague. (vagueness implies indecisiveness and so i'm left thinking about my thesis (dealing with a re-definition of the architectural palimpsest), do i have an idea or a concept? and which one is more important? i wonder if i start thinking this way, if my whole method for working will change.

we'll see...