
tales from the chat archive: name change and american history

it started with one question: if you could change your legal name, what would you change it to?

3:31 PM preston: preston vanderbilt
 unnamed: looks like you've already used that alias
  sounds very old money
3:32 PM you should add "Preston Vanderbilt IV"
  "yeah, mah daddy owned a steel mill"
3:33 PM preston: hahha
  i want to be the third
  car money
3:34 PM or industrial business money
3:35 PM unnamed: well...the vanderbilts were known for cornering the railroad and shipping biz
  i think i'm confusing my early america multi-millionaires/business moguls
  i think steel was the rockefellers
3:36 PM preston: hah
 unnamed: aaargh.....they're oil
  who got steel??
3:37 PM Carnegie!
  i love wikipedia!
3:39 PM preston: hahah
3:40 PM i dont like that name though
3:41 PM unnamed: carnegie?
  or preston (looks up "preston vanderbilt" on facebook)
  of course he plays lacrosse
3:45 PM preston: oh gosh!
  he took my name!
 emmanuelle (fmr unnamed): i'll be emmanuelle le croix and move to morocco and pretend to be a prima ballerina who got forced into retirement
3:46 PM preston: lololol
3:47 PM emmanuelle: "i hate that yvonne...stupide french beetch"

lessons learned:
1. there is an actual Preston Vanderbilt and he plays lacrosse. his trust fund kicked in years ago. where do you think he got the money to pay for that island?!
2. if you meet Emmanuelle Le Croix, please don't mention ballet or Yvonne. she has a new career and bff now.
3. you can't win in trivial pursuit if you keep interchanging the names of the families who helped build america.