
halfway there

it's almost july. it's been over a year since i graduated. almost a year working as a staff architect. i usually do a year end blog but most of the time i forget little things that happened and leave them out in my entry. maybe they weren't meant to be remembered but they still need to be acknowledged. so here we are at the halfway mark, and here's my recap:

january: nothing quite exciting here.
-we did get a new guy in the office and i'm now permanently located in the mezzanine overlooking everyone. i like pretending i'm in charge of everyone when in reality i'm the lowest ranked person there.

february: another blah month.
-aside from the monthly get together with the crew, nothing very exciting. don't get me wrong. i really love seeing the people i used to see on a daily basis.

march: another birthday. older. wiser?
- i went to my first uva architecture alumni event. i honestly didn't want to go but i was persuaded by a co-worker and the free "refreshments".
- one of the ladies i work with left this month...right about the time when we started to get to know each other better. if i weren't constantly thinking of saying something stupid when i talk, we probably would've known each other way better now. we sat next to each other but i rarely talked to her. but anyone who knows me will realize that that's just how i am.
- i also joined a gym. i try to be diligent about going. i. am. trying.

april: back to c-ville; nyc, round 2
- went to visit shraddha in nyc for "spring break". as always it was a weekend chock-full of awesome stuff. about five blocks were closed to traffic for street vendors to peddle their stuff. rockefeller and central park in the morning; times square at night. chinatown and it's dirt cheap food. we walked from the east to west and everywhere in between. we rode the subway only three times. but the best part was seeing gorgeous bradley cooper at friend of a farmer during brunch. as i've said: awesome!
- i also went to charlottesville for the mahogany dance show. it looks so different now. so many things are being built or are going to be built. it also feels different. you know how you feel when you're in a museum? everything is on display for you. you can touch some things but you aren't exactly involved. not to say that i have no ties to uva. of course, i am always going to be part of the university. i spent four years there. but that weekend made me realize that i am gradually moving on.
- a new crepe place popped up in c-ville. find the hole in the wall near the 2nd street gallery and you're there. side note: food in c-ville is very inexpensive - compared to dc. you gotta love a college town!

- saw freni who i haven't seen since christmas. she's still doing medschool in the carribean.
- also started seriously thinking about grad school. i need to pick a school. i don't have the money to apply to every architecture program out there.

june: independence. surprise. funnel cake.
- made extra cash cooking/serving food at the philippine independence day festival in dc. sweet
- finally went to the fairfax fair. saw a laser light show, creepy yet amusing carnies; got free stuff. and i ate a frozen banana and a funnel cake for the first time. yum.
- threw a semi-surprise party for greg. first the hostess told him about the cake. then everyone who came late was signing the card in front of him. he did get surprised by the balloons. used the chef's knife to cut the cake. who knew such a posh japanese restaurant would allow outside food to be kept in their kitchen? maybe they did it because we were a party of 20!