
one decade

as i do now and again, i shamelessly take someone else's survey questions, replace the answers and regurgitate is as something brand-spankin' new from me. however, i believe that the person i'm ripping this from deserves a special mention. jacqui, this is for you. (haha)

Ten years ago, it was 1996. Take this survey, post the results, and see how many things have
changed since then.

1) How old were you?
THEN: 14
NOW: 24....daaaaamn time does fly

2) Where did you go to school?
THEN: colegio san agustin
NOW: no school for me...i'm now a cube monkey at an architecture firm

3) Where did you work?
THEN: i didn't work...school's already too much
NOW: rv architects (looking back...school's for amateurs - pun intended. i wanna go back.)

4) Where did you live?
THEN: metro manila
NOW: virginia (is for lovers)

5) How was your hairstyle?
THEN: shoulder length, middle part
NOW: layered shoulder length, side part

6) Did you wear braces?
THEN: no...my teeth weren't so bad that i needed them
NOW: no

7) Did you wear contacts?
THEN: no...perfect vision
NOW: no...and even if i need them i don't think i will (see next question)

8) Did you wear glasses?
THEN: again, no
NOW: not yet...although i feel like i will in a couple more years. as long as i continue to abuse my eyes by reading/working/studying in the dark, i will be on track to wear those awesome glasses architects wear.

9) Who was your best friend?
THEN: i don't like answering this question because: a) it's hard to choose and i don't want to; b) someone is usually going to feel left out in a way.
NOW: of course it's you! duh!

10) Which of your pets were still alive?
THEN: our deaf dog....i think she's deaf since she's not afraid of fireworks. and a bijillion guppies who remained nameless.
NOW: i don't have pets

11) Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?
THEN: uuuuuh....imaginary or real?
NOW: i will not acknowledge this question with an answer

12) Who was your celebrity crush?
THEN: patrick garcia....sheeet i'm such a dork
NOW: peter sarsgaard (i know he looks and acts kinda weird and he's having a baby with maggie gyllenhaal...but whatever! also since i saw bradley cooper when i went to nyc last april, he's also way up on my celebrity crush list.)

13) Who was your regular-person crush?
THEN: wow...so long ago....Red J?
NOW: hmmm...the ups guy? hahahaha....hell no! he's not cute even if our receptionists think he is. i really don't wanna drop names. so if you want to know, leave me a message. hahaha

14) How many piercing did you have?
THEN: none
NOW: none

15) How many tattoos did you have?
THEN: none
NOW: if i'm too lazy to punch a hole on each ear, what makes you think i'd have the energy to have someone prick my skin several hundred times?

16) What was your favorite band/singer?
THEN: eraserheads, wolfgang
NOW: death cab for cutie, hard-fi...and soooo many others...just check out previous blog with the album covers

17) Had you smoked cigarettes?
THEN: no
NOW: no...and i'm definitely sure i will never do

18) Had you gotten drunk?
THEN: naaah....i would have had extremely serious issues if i were drinking then
NOW: yeah i'm pretty sure....i'm a lightweight

19) Had you DRIVEN?
THEN: nope
NOW: i drive to work everyday. i'm one of those people who are half-awake, screaming inside, and think everyone else is a worse driver than themselves. yeah...welcome to f'n rush hour

20) If so which car?
THEN: not applicable
NOW: honda accord

21) Looking back, are you where you thought you would be in 2006?
yeah..since i'm psychic. well, when i was fourteen i wouldn't have thought i'd go to the US, so that was a major change in my 10-year plan. but other than the location change, i think i'm where i'm supposed to be. if not, then that 10-year plan was horribly drafted.